Divorce & Family Law


We are ready to take more than 90 years of combined experience to help you work toward what is best for your family.

At Dodds, Kidd & Ryan, we serve families in Little Rock and throughout Arkansas in a range of family law and divorce-related matters. We know that each family is different, and we are committed to working one on one with you to reach the best possible outcome that helps you transition in the short term and serves your family best in the long run.

Divorce Attorney in Little Rock, Arkansas

Divorce is often one of the most difficult events in the life of a family. If you are going through a divorce, it is critical to protect your children and your own financial interests through the process. Make sure you work with a team of lawyers you can trust. Throughout your divorce, our attorneys at Dodds, Kidd & Ryan will provide you with the guidance and insight you need to ensure that this process moves as smoothly as possible for you and your family.


In Arkansas, you have to prove grounds for divorce. This becomes even more of an issue in the case of a covenant marriage. The law for a covenant marriage makes it harder to find a reason for the divorce, so you may not be able to work toward a divorce unless you can demonstrate specific grounds.

Child & Spousal Support Lawyer in Little Rock, Arkansas

The financial transition in the wake of divorce can be an incredibly difficult one, and it is compounded when children are involved. At the law firm of Dodds, Kidd & Ryan, our family law attorneys are ready to help you with a range of divorce and family law matters, including:

  • Child support: The child support guidelines in Arkansas are fairly well-defined and the calculations are somewhat straightforward. The goal is to preserve the best interests of the children and take into account the parenting responsibilities of each spouse during the marriage.
  • Spousal support: The guidelines for spousal support are considerably more open. We are able to look at key spousal factors involved in your marriage, including income, lifestyle and ability to work/earn income to make the strongest possible case in your best interests.
  • Modifications: We can undertake modifications when economic circumstances change. There must be a change in income stream as a basis for modification.

To discuss any Arkansas alimony or child support modification issue in a free initial consultation with one of our Arkansas child support lawyers, call 833-357-3476 or contact us today.


Custody & Visitation Attorneys in Little Rock, Arkansas

When it comes to family law, it is absolutely critical to keep children in mind during transitions. Arkansas courts set up child custody guidelines based on the best interests of the children. As such, the courts encourage joint legal custody (barring extenuating circumstances) if both parents can agree. This gives each parent input and authority to help make decisions about raising the children. Many times, one parent will have primary physical custody while the other will have visitation rights. We at Dodds, Kidd & Ryan encourage clients to work as collaboratively as possible on these issues so that they can maintain the most control over outcomes. While we can aggressively go to court, litigation results in a court's decision, not your own. As with all family law issues, your situation is unique and we encourage you to reach out to one of our attorneys so we can help you better understand your rights.Our team of lawyers represents clients in Little Rock and throughout Arkansas.

To discuss any Arkansas alimony or child support modification issue in a free initial consultation with one of our Little Rock child custody and visitation lawyers, call 833-357-3476 or contact us today.


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